Dropping kids off at school.

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Here’s a video I worked on with my friend, Jr. Dreads, who wrote and recorded a song, La Haine (The Hate) as a reaction to the November attacks in Paris. I captured his performance on video and contributed the ‘shadow puppet’ style animation scenes.
I was proud of our quick turnaround time to produce this piece, but unfortunately several tragedies have occurred in the past few weeks that have hit us all just as hard. Sad stuff, my friends. Let’s turn our pain into action and demand lawmakers put their legislative powers to work to prevent these massacres.
Some of you who know me expect mostly funny stuff. Don’t worry I’ll get back to that, I promise. But sometimes we need to express a little pain to help the healing begin.
Hugs to all,
iPhone charger or earbuds not working? Before you head down to the Genius Bar or blow money on new earbuds or a charger, dig this. Your culprit may be nothing more than pocket lint.
If you’re a guy like me and you carry your iPhone in your pocket, chances are the holes at the bottom of your iPhone will eventually fill up with pocket lint. Every time you go to plug in your earphones or your charger you pack that fuzz in further. Eventually it gets so stuffed that you can’t push the plug in far enough for it to make contact. Then you curse up a storm and wonder why this stupid thing doesn’t work.
Try this fix. Go get a toothpick, then spend a few minutes digging around inside the holes and try to pull out what’s in there. You may be happily surprised.
If this fixes your problem, let me know in the comments.
You’re welcome! 🙂